
ਸਾਰਗਮਹਲਾ੫ਦੁਪਦੇਘਰੁ੪ saarag mehlaa 5 dupday ghar 4 Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Du-Padas, Fourth House: ਰਾਗਸਾਰੰਗ, ਘਰ੪ਵਿੱਚਗੁਰੂਅਰਜਨਦੇਵਜੀਦੀਦੋ-ਬੰਦਾਂਵਾਲੀਬਾਣੀ। سارگمہلا੫دُپدےگھرُ੪ ੴਸਤਿਗੁਰਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ॥ ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ਅਕਾਲਪੁਰਖਇੱਕਹੈਅਤੇਸਤਿਗੁਰੂਦੀਕਿਰਪਾਨਾਲਮਿਲਦਾਹੈ। ایک اونکارستِگُرپ٘رسادِ॥ ایک آفاقی خالق خدا۔ سچے گرو کی فضل سے احساس ہوا ਮੋਹਨਘਰਿਆਵਹੁਕਰਉਜੋਦਰੀਆ॥ mohan ghar aavhu kara-o jodree-aa. O my Fascinating Lord,


ਸਗਲਪਦਾਰਥਸਿਮਰਨਿਜਾਕੈਆਠਪਹਰਮੇਰੇਮਨਜਾਪਿ॥੧॥ਰਹਾਉ॥ sagal padaarath simran jaa kai aath pahar mayray man jaap. ||1|| rahaa-o. All wealth and treasures are obtained by remembering Him in meditation; twenty-four hours a day, O my mind, meditate on Him. ||1||Pause|| Therefore at all times meditate on (that God), by contemplating on whom one can obtain all kinds of boons. ||1||Pause||


ਚਿਤਵਨਿਚਿਤਵਉਪ੍ਰਿਅਪ੍ਰੀਤਿਬੈਰਾਗੀਕਦਿਪਾਵਉਹਰਿਦਰਸਾਈ॥ chitvan chitva-o pari-a pareet bairaagee kad paava-o har darsaa-ee. I think thoughts of Him; I miss the Love of my Beloved. When will I obtain the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan? (O’ my friend), in my heart I so passionately keep thinking about my beloved that I have become totally aloof (from other


ਖੋਜਤਖੋਜਤਇਹੈਬੀਚਾਰਿਓਸਰਬਸੁਖਾਹਰਿਨਾਮਾ॥ khojatkhojat ihai beechaari-o sarab sukhaa har naamaa. Searching and searching, I have come to this realization: all peace and bliss are in the Name of the Lord. After searching (and reflecting) again and again, I have realized that God’s Name is (the source of) all comforts. ਖੋਜਕਰਦਿਆਂਕਰਦਿਆਂ (ਅਸਾਂ) ਇਹੀਵਿਚਾਰਕੀਤੀਹੈਕਿਪਰਮਾਤਮਾਦਾਨਾਮ (ਹੀ) ਸਾਰੇਸੁਖਦੇਣਵਾਲਾਹੈ। کھوجتکھوجتاِہےَبیِچارِئوسربسُکھاہرِناما॥ کھوجت۔ کھوجت


ਚਰਣੀਚਲਉਮਾਰਗਿਠਾਕੁਰਕੈਰਸਨਾਹਰਿਗੁਣਗਾਏ॥੨॥ charnee chala-o maarag thaakur kai rasnaa har gun gaa-ay. ||2|| With my feet, I walk on my Lord and Mater’s Path. With my tongue, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2|| With my feet, I walk to my Master and my tongue sings the praises of God. ||2|| ਪੈਰਾਂਨਾਲਉਸਮਾਲਕ-ਪ੍ਰਭੂਦੇਰਸਤੇਤੇਤੁਰਦਾਹਾਂ, ਮੇਰੀਜੀਭਉਸਦੇਗੁਣਗਾਂਦੀਰਹਿੰਦੀਹੈ॥੨॥ چرنھیِ چلءُ


ਪੂਛਉਪੂਛਉਦੀਨਭਾਂਤਿਕਰਿਕੋਊਕਹੈਪ੍ਰਿਅਦੇਸਾਂਗਿਓ॥ poochha-o poochha-o deen bhaaNt kar ko-oo kahai pari-a daysaaNgi-o. I ask and ask, with humility, “Who can tell me which country my Husband Lord lives in?” Again and again, I am wandering around like a most humble person and ask if anyone can (at least) tell me about the country in which my Beloved


ਕਰਹਿ ਸੋਮ ਪਾਕੁ ਹਿਰਹਿ ਪਰ ਦਰਬਾ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਝੂਠ ਗੁਮਾਨ ॥ karahi som paak hireh par darbaa antar jhooth gumaan. The mortal eats the food which he has carefully prepared, and then steals the wealth of others. His inner being is filled with falsehood and pride. (O’ my friends, outwardly they exhibit so much purity), that


ਸਾਰਗਮਹਲਾ੪ਪੜਤਾਲ॥ saarag mehlaa 4 parh-taal. Saarang, Fourth Mehl, Partaal: سارگمہلا੪پڑتال॥ ਜਪਿਮਨਗੋਵਿੰਦੁਹਰਿਗੋਵਿੰਦੁਗੁਣੀਨਿਧਾਨੁਸਭਸ੍ਰਿਸਟਿਕਾਪ੍ਰਭੋਮੇਰੇਮਨਹਰਿਬੋਲਿਹਰਿਪੁਰਖੁਅਬਿਨਾਸੀ॥੧॥ਰਹਾਉ॥ jap man govind har govind gunee niDhaan sabh sarisat kaa parabho mayray man har bol har purakh abhinaasee. ||1|| rahaa-o. O my mind, meditate on the Lord of the Universe, the Lord, the Lord of the Universe, the Treasure of Virtue, the God of


ਸਾਰੰਗਮਹਲਾ੪॥ saarang mehlaa 4. Saarang, Fourth Mehl: سارنّگمہلا੪॥ ਜਪਿਮਨਨਰਹਰੇਨਰਹਰਸੁਆਮੀਹਰਿਸਗਲਦੇਵਦੇਵਾਸ੍ਰੀਰਾਮਰਾਮਨਾਮਾਹਰਿਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁਮੋਰਾ॥੧॥ਰਹਾਉ॥ jap man narharay narhar su-aamee har sagal dayv dayvaa saree raam raam naamaa har pareetam moraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. O my mind, meditate on the Lord, the Lord, your Lord and Master. The Lord is the Most Divine of all the divine beings. Chant the Name of


ਸ੍ਰਵਣੀਕੀਰਤਨੁਸੁਨਉਦਿਨੁਰਾਤੀਹਿਰਦੈਹਰਿਹਰਿਭਾਨੀ॥੩॥ sarvanee keertan sun-o din raatee hirdai har har bhaanee. ||3|| With my ears, I listen to the Kirtan of His Praises, day and night. I love the Lord, Har, Har, with all my heart. ||3|| (I also wish that) day and night, I may keep listening to songs of Your praise with my ears

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